Saturday, January 07, 2006

safe and sound :-)

hi everyone! i just wanted to let you all know that after 2 days of traveling i arrived safely in uganda.

i was verrrrrrrrry nervous, but once i joined the other USP students in washington, d.c., i started to feel much more comfortable. the plane rides were long and i couldn't sleep (way too excited and nervous), but everything went smoothly. we had a long layover in england and we had a the opportunity to tour all over london. it was a lot of fun and i will try and write more about that later.

once we got to uganda christian university (UCU) they just let us do whatever. a lot of people slept, but i went visiting (shocking, i know). the people are very friendly. some are just as nervous about talking to me as i am about talking to them! (which is easy to forget)

i am spending the weekend with a UCU student originally from kenya named adalynn. she is so nice and was gracious to let me stay with her until my room is ready. i am very lucky because i am the only person who is staying with a UCU student. the vice chancelor (president) said this school is growing faster than it can build buildings! they are just about done with a new dorm that will house 400 students--that is where i am going to live! UCU now has about 4000 students, so it is a bit bigger than roberts (it grew from about 250 10 years ago). PS....thank you kacy for praying for a Ugandan to help me!!!! :-D

the weather is absolutely gorgeous (around 80 and fairly dry). the UCU students complain that it is too hot! haha....i'm loving it for now.....maybe that will wear off. at night it gets cooler (maybe 65). the ugandans all put on sweaters! it is so funny to me. :-)

i saw a monkey on my way to class today.

last night i had an awesome talk with one of the UCU students about their government. they are very open about talking to us....which is awesome.

i crashed at about 10:30 and then woke up a little after midnight thinking it was morning (i heard people outside talking). adalynn must have thought i was crazy. i untucked my mosquito net and started getting ready before i realized what time it was. haha....jet lag is FUN. i am a bit tired....nerves and excitement have been keeping me up for like the last week. adrenaline is keeping me awake now. this is all so exciting.

food is pretty enjoying the rice and beans. water is a little harder. the bottled stuff is ok, but our drinking water tastes like chlorine and it is gonna take some getting used to.

oop....i have to go. we're meeting for dinner soon and i have to find the group. love you and miss you all!

bry....i am 8 hours ahead of y'all!!!


At 7:30 PM, Blogger Mr. Blankfield said...

Hey Jess, I'm glad to hear you got there safe and sound. Sounds like the weather is a little nicer there than it is here. On the other hand though, it really wasn't until yesterday that we actually got some snow on the ground around here. Ok, well I hope you have a great day. I've been praying for ya. (now the real question is if it will automatically add my name to the end or if I need to do the signature... this blogging technology is so new to me... :-P)

At 9:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jess!!

It was great to get the email from Mark yesterday morning, but it is even better to read that you are doing well!!

I'm not sure about that "I couldn't sleep" part. You sre fooled me!

Class on Saturday?? 85 degrees? A minkey? (You had to see Pink Panther)

Glad you've made many friends, talk to you soon!

Love you - Dad

At 9:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey glad to hear you've made it and are beginning to settle in. I'm praying for you and hoping you meet God in a huge way. A lot of great things come out of Africa you know! ;)

At 10:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jess
Love you and am glad to know that you are doing well. Miss you! Finally put the Christmas stuff away. Pastor Ray is going to try to contact the missionaries from Rwanda for you.
It is cold today - 23. More snow showers predicted for tonight, tomorrow and Sunday. (Thought you’d like to hear that!)
Make sure you get a pic of the “minkey” for me!

At 1:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jess,

I am so happy that you made it to Africa safely! It sounds like you are having a wonderful time. I've always wanted to see a monkey on my way to school--lucky you :) I am so excited for you and what God is going to complete in you. You know its funny, becasue Denise handed me all those flyers too, and I ended up choosing DC, hehehe. Denise is definitely being used by God! Well, I bought my plane ticket and I will be taking off in a week and 2 days! I can hardly believe it. Remember that God is faithful and He keeps His promises.

I love you dear. Take care.



At 1:22 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jess,

I am so happy that you made it to Africa safely! It sounds like you are having a wonderful time. I've always wanted to see a monkey on my way to school--lucky you :) I am so excited for you and what God is going to complete in you. You know its funny, becasue Denise handed me all those flyers too, and I ended up choosing DC, hehehe. Denise is definitely being used by God! Well, I bought my plane ticket and I will be taking off in a week and 2 days! I can hardly believe it. Remember that God is faithful and He keeps His promises.

I love you dear. Take care.



At 6:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

my love... so glad you're loving it... and trust me i'll be checking this thing everyday... it will go email, facebook, jess's blog haha just thought i'd let you know that you're feeding my internet addiction

At 12:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jess,

Glad to hear all is well there! I just got back to RWC today, nothing super exciting. Oh, I'm speaking Sunday, so if you think of it pray for me. Junk, I love you so much girrlie! I'm praying for you. Take care of yourself.

At 12:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jess,
I am so sorry I missed seeing you before you left. When I saw you at Grace i didn't realise it was time for you to leave. I would have liked to had prayer with you for safety, God's will and a clear presense of God/Jesus in all you do.
Know that you have been added to Marsha's and my prayers @ night. Also know that you have a pair of very proud and happy parents. (which I am sure you do)

God Bless sweetheart,


At 6:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jess, I was just wondering what the time difference is between you and us. For example, if it is noon in Uganda, what time is it here?

At 5:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know you like to know what you are missing. It was warm here yesterday in the 50's but it is raining now and will turn to snow later. How much snow depends on how soon it turns. They are saying 1-3". I returned the stuff from Christmas - $100 in checking for you. A check for the car insurance came $162!!! Will get that in the bank for you asap. Am singing Sunday. Andy is getting a new apartment in Albany. He says a nicer neighborhood.
Love you!

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