Tuesday, January 10, 2006


thank you all so much for the emails and comments. i love you and i am so blessed by you!

i am so overwhelmed (in a good way) being here. sometimes i just stop in my tracks because a flower catches my eye or i see a huge bird. i've been climbing to the top of monkey hill everynight and watching the sunset before dinner. i can't describe to you how breathtaking it is. i cried the first night....for those of you who know me....yeah its intense.

i cried today too. we had our USP class today (ok....quick note. school here is not as organized as at home. people weren't registered on the first day and the timetable wasn't even done. i might have classes tomorrow though!). the rest of the classes didn't meet because it's a national holiday. anyway.....yeah. we talked about all the work we'd have to do for the semester and then we started talking about the possible service projects. i was so overwhelmed. there were so many i wanted to get involved with....working with a sex ed program that empowers women women, swimming with special ed kids, hanging out w/ street kids, spending time w/ kids at orphanages....there was just so much. i think i've decided what my first choice is. i want to work with a program called "reach out." i will have to drive to kampala....but i will get to work with AIDS patients and their families. i might get to do medical stuff and/or teach kids whose parents are sick. i am so excited (cassie!! i want to talk to you soooooo bad!!!)

ummm....we went to visit a dr. today. he told us the 7 ways not to die in uganda. hahaha. it was awesome. he was pretty funny. lemme see if i can remember:

1. don't get in a mutatu (like a mini bus....driven mostly by guys who are on a lot of drugs)
2. careful who you go out w/ (murder is the leading killer of foreigners.....mostly jealous boy/girlfriends)
3. if you're sick....go to bed (don't be a hero)
4. if you get diarrhea....just take these lil pills
5. if you get ben hertsia don't panic.....just take your horse pills
6. don't have sex
7. if you do have sex....get an HIV test (oh man 6 and 7 were funny, im not gonna lie....but i wont describe it because it was a bit frank)

he also told us that we probably wont get malaria and not to listen to anyone who tells us we have it, because that's just what they call all sickness here.

oh my goodness!!! i talked to a boy from rwanda yesterday. he told me i could stay at his church and work for the summer. i also heard back from a man named salva dut who works in northern uganda....we are probably going to meet in kampala soon to talk about the summer. please pray for funding and planning to work out so i can stay!!!

ok....i gotta run. im on a stolen lap top (maybe i shoulda brought mine....you were right AS ALWAYS dad) love you all! xoxoxo


At 11:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I miss you so much already. But it sounds like you are enjoying yourself. Stay out of trouble. Your picture is sitting right here so I remember to pray for you each day. I love you so much.

At 4:33 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

aw Jess,
I can hear you saying all of this as I read it, and I just laughed outloud, and I think Renee thinks I'm crazy, but she was laughing too...so it's okay..
I'm glad you were told not to have sex, and what to do if you did...hahha...and yes, please stay off the mini buses...
I'll be reading and praying for you, and I'm sorry that I didn't get a chance to say goodbye.
You're off to a great adventure, and I'm so blessed to be able to share in it with you through this webpage..
have a great time,

At 4:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw a girl today on the path and knew that I should say "hi" but didn't know her name... you do, and I'm fairly certain that you not only would have said "hi" but "owwww, owwww" regardless of how far from you she was. There are sure some insane big shoes to fill while you're gone. I love you!

At 4:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jess, We met a couple from Jinja Uganda E. Africa here. They are with IAM missions based in Berne. david & Renee Waako. E-mail djmwaako@infocom.co.ug. Also Phone # 256-043-122717. She is an american and he is Ugndan. Really love the Lord
Love you Jess God bless
Aunt rosie

At 7:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

My dearest Jess, I miss you so much. Tonight at dinner I kept looking for you even though deep down I knew you werent there. Nonetheless, every time I saw a bright article of clothing, I thought of you. Love you so and miss you like crazy.


At 8:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what if you had sex with a jealous boyfriend who drove a mini bus? be careful!

i love you and hope you end up serving where you're meant to. we all miss you!

ps- i won't let them throw out your mail...:)

At 1:15 AM, Blogger Bob Hartman said...

Sounds like fun :-P Don't know what to say that hasn't already been said- I just hope that all goes well, and know that I'm still reading your blog and trying to keep up. . . .

At 3:45 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jess! I MISS YOU SO MUCH! I'm hoping that you are safe and all is well, have an awesome time for me... .. i'm glad to here that you want to help so much, i'm sure you will make a big difference in someones life! I love you girly! :-* miss you babe!

Love You *`Jackie`* <3

At 5:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jess my dear girl,
I thought I saw you today but it was not you. Some girl that I had never seen before. and I missed you.

Dr.Mrs. classes certainly are not the same without your smiling face so early in the morning.

I'm praying for you like crazy and can't wait to hear about your experiences there - and am enjoying hearing them now, of course. Are you taking pictures? Can I look at them somewhere?

Much love and prayer.

At 5:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know you like to know what you are missing. It was warm here yesterday in the 50's but it is raining now and will turn to snow later. How much snow depends on how soon it turns. They are saying 1-3". I returned the stuff from Christmas - $100 in checking for you. A check for the car insurance came $162!!! Will get that in the bank for you asap. Am singing Sunday. Andy is getting a new apartment in Albany. He says a nicer neighborhood.
Love you!

At 7:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well class is certainly not the same without you...I am glad to hear you are having a good time, it sounds so exciting! I think part of me is a little jealous :) It is really exciting to hear about the AIDS service project too! That is so cool! I am praying for you
Your ethics buddy,

At 7:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well class is certainly not the same without you...I am glad to hear you are having a good time, it sounds so exciting! I think part of me is a little jealous :) It is really exciting to hear about the AIDS service project too! That is so cool! I am praying for you
Your ethics buddy,


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